The symptoms after a stroke or traumatic brain injury vary. Specially coordinated, interdisciplinary therapy concepts support recovery and regeneration.
Intensive therapy:
Experience what your nervous and muscular system is capable of when it is challenged and supported by the modern BrainRaise therapy concept. The active and highly repetitive movement training improves fitness and mobility, dexterity and body awareness. Within just a few weeks, we achieve progress together that would take around a year using conventional methods. The individual therapy concept consists of several blocks that you can combine flexibly:
- 2-week block (10 therapy days)
- 3-week block (12-15 therapy days)
- 4-week block (16-20 therapy days)
We work on improving your mobility for around three to five hours on each treatment day. Alternatively, we offer several months of treatment lasting two to four hours, three days a week. Choose BrainRaise Neurorehabilitation to rediscover and develop your full potential.

Intensive therapy in your own home
We achieve the best progress in familiar surroundings. The relaxed environment helps to realize therapy successes quickly and sustainably. We offer our tailor-made and unique concept in Switzerland and abroad. We focus on the needs of our patients. With active movement training and efficient movement control, we achieve success within a short time that would normally take a year. Our team of highly qualified therapists will accompany you professionally every step of the way towards your goal. Several exclusive intensive therapy packages are available for training in your own home.
Motor skills such as standing upright, standing and walking are of central importance for our clients. Improved mobility supports an attentive state of consciousness and promotes activity, development and cognitive processes. Any progress has a positive effect on the joy of life and optimism and increases motivation during therapy.
Holistic concept
BrainRaise Neurorehabilitation develops training concepts that are tailored to individual needs. We train contractured joints and exercises that promote free sitting, standing and walking in a relaxed atmosphere. We involve qualified assistants in the therapy in order to provide our patients with holistic care. Plan about four to six hours per therapy day.
Interdisciplinary approach
Depending on the needs and severity of the condition, we offer interdisciplinary concepts. We cover the areas of orthopaedic technology, speech therapy, swallowing training, neuro-optometry (for neurological visual disorders) and Lokomat training. Thanks to our many years of cooperation with experienced specialists, our patients receive interdisciplinary care that leads to particularly rapid success. People with severe strokes or trauma are cared for with their families. This therapy management approach has proven itself in practice. Familiar people have a positive effect on rehabilitation and recovery.
Contact us
For an informative and non-binding discussion, please contact us by phone +41 (0) 76 610 51 95 or email